Core Beliefs – How to Refute Them!

I often discuss core beliefs when it comes to topics such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and abusive relationships. The idea is that we ALL have distorted beliefs that we develop about ourselves throughout our childhood that are usually strengthened …

Thoughts do not necessarily equal Reality

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helps people to identify automatic thoughts that are causing distressing emotions as well as certain behaviours. We all have daily thoughts that run through our minds, some random unimportant thoughts, some neutral, some positive and of course, …

Living Mindfully

Being Mindful is being fully aware and present in the moment. Oftentimes we are so busy and preoccupied that we miss out on important life moments and fail to appreciate what is around us. Mindfulness meditation can help us to …

Disqualifying the Positive

Another common cognitive distortion that arises in counselling sessions is “disqualifying the positive”. This is when one overlooks and downplays their positive qualities and / or accomplishments and focuses on their negative traits, and perceived failures. People who regularly find …